
Inside Reading Unit 2 - Words with different mea ...

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  • Decrease in the quality or importance of something - The is a decline in the number of COVID cases. -
    decline (noun)
  • A way of getting near, at, or to something or someone - Police cars closed the main public access to the airport.
    access - noun
  • To decrease in quantity or importance - Using library to research for information has declined after Google was found.
    decline (verb)
  • If two ideas, beliefs, opinions etc. conflict, they cannot exist together or both be true - The time of the meeting conflicts with our medical appointment.
    conflict (verb)
  • A state of disagreement betweeen people o groups - The conflict between the students and his advisor must be solved.
    conflict (noun)
  • TO do work. The builders are laboring on the new project.
  • To be able to use, enter or get near something - The new update of Instagram app makes it easier to access to my account.
    access (noun)
  • Physical or mental work - To make a building requires many hours of difficult labor.
    labor (noun)