
Essentials 2 - Unit 3 Activity 10

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  • What can we see in this laundry room?
    There is a washing machine, a sink, pictures, a basket...
  • Unscramble: she / where / work / does ?
    Where does she work?
  • Say 3 objects in the kitchen
    cupboard, sink, fridge, dishwasher, stove
  • I think my house is big
    Is your house big or small?
  • Form a negative: My friends go home together.
    My friends don't go home together.
  • What can we find in the porch?
    Plants, light bulbs, chairs
  • What objects are there in the bathroom?
    mirror, rug, shower, sink
  • ___ Renata ___ a big house?
    Does Renata have a big house?
  • No, she doesn't have it.
    Does she have a ... ?
  • Yes, I have one near my bed.
    Do you have a lamp?
  • Unscramble: do / what / do / you ?
    What do you do?
  • Fom a negative: Mike likes to read.
    Mike doesn't like to read
  • There are two bedrooms in my house. It's a ___ house.
    It's a two-bedroom house.
  • Yes, there are three near the table.
    Are there chairs in the dining room?
  • He has two bedrooms
    How many bedrooms does he have?
  • What can we see in this attic?
    guitar, chairs, christmas lights, rug, window, chest
  • Form a question: How / Regina / school ?
    How does Regina go to school?
  • Form a question: what time / father / work ?
    What time does your father go to work?
  • Say 3 objects in the bedroom
    bed, TV, bookshelf, cushions, nightstand, rug, curtains, chair, computer, etc