
The Fallacy of the work-life balance

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  • What's a better way to see our life?
  • What do you find when you get momentum?
  • How does he illustrate his idea?
  • What results do you get if you shift your view to a holistic sense of self?
  • What questions does he ask?
  • What does he mean by awareness?
  • What does the new way to see life give us?
  • What do people end up doing in search for balance?
  • What does he mean by empowerment?
  • What advice does he give to people who search for balance?
  • What are some of the components of our lifes that were represented by table tennis balls?
  • What does he mean by grace?
  • What does he mean by momentum?
  • What's the problem with seeking balance?
  • Why does he say it doesn't make any sense to separate work from life?
  • How do we convince ourselves that it's ok to disconnect ourselves from work?
  • What solution does he suggest?