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  • What's the weather like?
    It's COLD
  • What's the weather like in the desert?
    It is DRY
  • What's the weather like?
    It is CLOUDY
  • What's the weather like?
    The weather is SUNNY
  • What's the weather like?
    It's FOGGY
  • What is the cat playing with?
    The cat is playing with SNOW
  • What's this?
    This is a CLOUD
  • What's this?
    This is a THUNDER
  • What's this?
    This is a STORM
  • What's this showing?
    This is showing the TEMPERATURE
  • What's this?
    This is RAIN
  • What's the weather like?
    It's COOL
  • What's the weather like?
    It is SNOWY
  • What's the weather like?
    It's STORMY
  • What's this?
    This is FOG
  • What's this?
    This is the SUN
  • What's the weather like?
    It's WARM
  • What's the weather like?
    It is RAINY
  • What's the weather like?
    It is HOT
  • What's the like you can see?
    That's a LIGHTNING
  • What's this?
    This is ICE
  • What's the weather like?
    The weather is ICY
  • What's the weather like?
    The weather is WINDY
  • What's this?
    That is the WIND