
What is their Adaptation?

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  • Pitcher plant
    Have pitcher-like structure with water in it
  • Cactus
    Have spine, thick and waxy stem
  • Puffer fish
    Large and powerful jaws, inflation, poison
  • Polar bear
    White fur, thick fur, small and rounded ears, fur between their paws
  • Giraffe
    Long neck (to reach food)
  • Rafflesia flower
    Produces bad smell (rotting flesh)
  • Crab
    Have strong claws
  • Teak Tree
    Shed its leaves during autumn/fall
  • Venus flytrap
    Has trigger hairs (trap insect)
  • Leaf insect
    Camouflage (have the same shape/structure like its surroundings)
  • Sunflower
    Have wide/broad leaves, bristles on stem
  • Eagle
    Strong feet and claws
  • Poison oak
    Have poisonous resin/sap
  • Owl
    Echolocation (good sense of hearing)
  • Rose
    Have thorn on its stem
  • Water hyacinth
    Have stem that can trap air
  • Cattail
    Have narrow leaves (stands against the moving water)
  • Lizard
    Autotomy (they can cut off their tail)
  • Seaweed
    Have tough leaves (stands against strong ocean waves)
  • Pond skater
    Have light body (to move easily on water)
  • Water lily
    Have thin and wide leaves
  • Ferret
    Produce bad smell
  • Chameleon
    Mimicry (change its body color)
  • Shark
    Have fins, streamlined body, sharp teeth
  • Duck
    Have webbed feet