
B2_Unit 6_Lesson 5-6

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  • The customer has bought waterproof clothing in your shop but it has defects. Solve this problem.
  • Are you disappointed about the result?
    May I know whether you are disappointed about the result?
  • Create an example with the phrase "inquire a little further".
  • to change the direction of something
    to redirect
  • He is _____________(annoying/annoyed) with him for coming late.
  • a colleague or partner
    an associate
  • The book was ____________so she was really _______________ (bore).
  • Create an example with the word "mistakenly".
  • How to you usually handle difficult situations?
  • She was _____________ (astonish) at the level of service.
  • Your plane is delayed and you are late for a very important meeting. Find out the reson for the delay.
  • You are a worker of customer support. One of the customers is dissatisfied with a purchase, it doesn't work. What are your actions.
  • Is he diplomatic in dealing with customers?
    Could you tell me if he is diplometic in dealing with customers?
  • Create an example with the word "forward".
  • They don't talk to him because of his __________ jokes.