
Saludos y Despedidas

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  • What is Srta. the abbreviation for?
    señorita (Miss)
  • How do you say "pleased to meet you" in Spanish?
  • You meet someone for the first time and you want to know their name. How do you ask?
    ¿Cómo te llamas?
  • What is Mr. Powers title in Spanish?
  • You want to ask your friend's grandmother "how are you?", how do you ask in Spanish?
    ¿Cómo está usted?
  • how do you say "likewise" in Spanish
  • You greet your mom first thing in the morning - what do you say?
    buenos días
  • How do you say, "it's a pleasure to meet you" in Spanish?
    mucho gusto
  • Answer "¿Cómo estás?" in Spanish.
    Estoy bien/mal/así-así.
  • Someone asks how you are doing, and you want to say, "Fine, and you?" - How do you say that?
    Bien, ¿y tú?
  • Miguel says, "Buenas noches, Sra. High". Which does Sra. High say? Hasta mañana, Miguel. OR Regular, ¿y tú?
    Hasta mañana, Miguel.
  • You meet Sra. High at 3:15 for extra help. How do you greet her?
    buenas tardes
  • What is Mrs. High's title in Spanish?
  • which is not a way to say goodbye: adiós, hasta luego, hola, ciao
  • How do you say goodnight to your dad?
    buenas noches
  • Someone thanks you for a favor, what do you say?
    de nada
  • Answer "¿Qué pasa?" in Spanish.
  • Give an acceptable one-word answer to "Quién es tu amiga?.
    any girl's name
  • You need a favor, what word of courtesy do you use in Spanish?
    por favor
  • You received a favor, what do you say in Spanish?
  • If you need to politely interrupt someone in Spanish, what do you say?
  • If you don't know the answer to something in Spanish, you say ...
    no sé
  • Which one is the correct answer to "¿Qué onda? - regular, más o menos, nada
  • how do you say, "the pleasure is mine" in Spanish
    el gusto es mío