
Science tools

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  • List some observing tools.
    Hand lens, microscope and magnifying box
  • Indicate the unit of force.
  • What are the units of volume?
    Liter / milliliter
  • What can we use to check how hot or cold something is?
  • What is the best tools used for counting the number of legs in insects body.
    Magnifying box
  • Give the difference between hand lens and microscope
    Both make small things look bigger. But still microscope can magnify things that can't be seen by naked eyes
  • In any race competition the winner can be identified by using:
    Stop watch
  • What are the units of time?
    Hour/ minutes/ seconds
  • What units of measurement are used for mass?
    Kilogram/ gram/ tons
  • Give the name of the tool we use to measure the mass of fruits and vegetables we buy from the market.
    Pan balance
  • List some measuring tools.
    pan balance/ graduated cylinder/ stop watch/ thermometer/ spring scale/ tape measure/ measuring cup
  • Give some examples where it is preferred to use ruler and when it is preferred to use measuring tape
    Ruler is used to measure the length of straight object while measuring tape is used to measure the length of non straight objects
  • List the units of measurement used for distance or length.
    meter/ centimeter/ inch
  • Volume of juice in this pitcher can be measured by using:
    Graduated balance or measuring cup