
Film Genres

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  • What film genre has Sponge Bob seen?
    Sponge Bob has seen a HORROR film
  • What genre can these films be?
    This genre is ACTION
  • What film genre can this film be?
    This is a MUSICAL
  • What genre can this film be?
    This genre is CRIME
  • What film genre can this film be?
    This is a WESTERN
  • What film genre do Harry Potter belong?
    Harry Potter belongs to FANTASY films
  • What film genre can you cry with?
    You can cry with a DRAMA
  • What film genre can you laugh at?
    You can laugh at a COMEDY film
  • What film genre can this film be?
    This is a ROMANCE
  • What film genre can you see something like this in?
    We can see something like this in a DOCUMENTARY
  • What genre can this film be?
    This genre is ANIMATED
  • What genre can this be?
    This is ADVENTURE
  • What film genre can Avengers be?
    Avengers films are SCIENCE-FICTION