
Places around town

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  • What place can you see this in?
    We can see this in a CINEMA
  • What place is this?
    This is a HOSPITAL
  • Where are they?
    They are in the POLICE STATION
  • Where do we send our letters?
    We send our letters in the POST OFFICE
  • Where can we buy some books?
    We can buy books in a BOOKSHOP
  • Where can you get this?
    We can get this in a SUPERMARKET
  • Where can you find one of these?
    We can find this in a BANK
  • Where can they be?
    They can be in a SPORTS CENTRE
  • What place is this?
    This is a CHURCH
  • Where can this cat be working?
    This cat can be working in a BAKERY
  • Where can you find something like this?
    We can find this in a MUSEUM
  • What place can you see this in?
    We can see this in a CHEMIST'S
  • Where can you buy lots of different things?
    We can buy lots of different things in a DEPARTMENT STORE
  • Where are they?
    They are in a LIBRARY
  • What place is this?
    This is an AMUSEMENT PARK
  • Where can she buy all those things?
    She can buy all those things in a SHOPPING CENTRE
  • What place is this?
    This is a TRAIN STATION
  • Where are they?
    They are in a RESTAURANT
  • What place is this?
    This is a PARK
  • Where are normally the ships?
    Normally, the ships are in the PORT
  • What place is this?
    This is a CAFÉ
  • What place is this?
    This is a HOTEL