
Review 2 - Kids 1 - CNA

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  • What's the weather like today?
    It's cloudy.
  • What is this?
    Laundry room
  • What time is it?
    It's nine twenty-three.
  • How many _______ can you see?
    I can see thirty (30) birds.
  • Can you _________?
  • Is there a drugstore near here? Where is the drugstore?
    Yes, there is. The drugstore is between the bookstore and the coffee shop.
  • What the weather like today?
    It's snowy and cold.
  • Is there a pet shop near here? Where is the pet shop?
    Yes, there is. The pet shop is next to the toy store.
  • Is there a hospital near here? Where is the hospital?
    Yes, there is. The hospital is across from the park.
  • Can you play ______?
  • How many cats are there ______ the sofa? How many dogs are there ______ the sofa
    One cat on the sofa. Two dogs under the sofa.
  • What is this? Are there toys?
    Living room. No, there aren't.
  • Can you _______ ?
  • What time is it?
    It's one twenty.
  • Can you ________?
  • What time is it?
    It's six o'clock.
  • What time is it?
    It's seven thirty-five.
  • What's the weather like today?
    It's hot and sunny.
  • What is this?
  • What is this?
  • How many cats can you see? Where are the cats? (Example: on the sofa)
    I can see eight cats in front of the TV.
  • What time is it?
    It's eleven oh two.
  • Grando is Ivor's ______.
  • Daddo is Henry's _______.
  • What time is it?
    It's ten thirty.