
C1_Unit 3_Lesson 1

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  • His payment is __________ as he is broke.
  • What is the synonym for the word "beforehand"?
    in advance
  • The girl is a ___________ of her mother.
    carbon copy
  • to ask someone for sth
    to solicit
  • Tell the definition of the phrase "cold call script".
    a text of a phone call from someone trying to sell a product or service
  • Create an example with the word "throughout".
  • Create an example with the word "due".
  • to imagine or expect that something will happen
    to anticipate
  • What is the synonym for the phrase "on the way"?
    in transit
  • Why do people need references to get a job?
    it describes you and says if you are suitable for a job
  • What is he doing?
    He is writing his signature.
  • What is this?
    a schrub
  • Create an example with the word "gratitude".
  • a person who receives something
    a recipient