
Modals are coming

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  • What are the modal verbs of duty and advice?
    Should/shouldn't, ought to/oughtn't to
  • I ... leave soon, it's getting late. (obligation and necessity)
  • You really... to be an expert to make such a statement. (duty and advice)
  • What are the modals of prohibition?
    Can't, couldn't, mustn't
  • At my previous job we ... make personal calls during worktime. (prohibition)
    were forbidden/ weren't allowed/ couldn't
  • Name the modal verbs of ability.
    Can, could, be able to.
  • Which modal verb is used to indicate an obligation coming from someone else?
    Have to
  • It was a long and exhausting trip but I ... to enjoy the drive.
  • What are related verbs used for permission?
    Be allowed to/be permitted to
  • She ... cook better than anyone I know! (ability)
  • What is the difference between can and might?
  • You ... worry to much. Take a deep breath, think and make a plan. (no obligation)
  • There ... be life on other planets. (pissibility)
  • Required to & obliged to are used for...
    Obligation & necessity