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  • Do you wear shoes that make you taller? Why?
  • Is fashion a kind of art?
  • Do you change your clothes often? Or do you tend to wear the same clothes all day?
  • Which country or city is the most fashionable in the world?
  • How often do you go shopping for clothes? Do you buy new clothes when the season changes?
  • How long does it take you to decide which clothes to wear?
  • How important is color co-ordination to you? Do your clothes always match?
  • Where is the best place to shop for clothes in your town?
  • Do you buy clothes online? Why or why not?
  • Which sports team has the best looking uniform? Do you think it helps them play well?
  • When was the last time you got dressed up? Why?
  • What is the traditional clothing of your country? How often do people dress traditionally these days?
  • Do you have a favorite item of clothing? What is it? Why do you like it? When do you wear it?
  • What is your favorite color to wear? How many items of clothing do you have in this color?
  • Describe the clothes you are wearing today. Use as many adjectives as you can.
  • What do you do with clothes that you no longer wear?
  • Will you wear something uncomfortable just because it looks good?
  • What do clothes tell people about our personalities?
  • Which celebrity has the best sense of style?