
Present and past tenses(functions) HN4

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  • I have been a blogger for about a year.
    Present Perfect Simple for actions and states which began in the past and continue untilnow
  • Before the invention of the Internet and telephone, people communicated by letter.
    Past Simple for actions that started and fi nished at a specifi c time in thepast
  • Social media has changed the way we communicate forever.
    Present Perfect Simple for fi nished actions in the past when we don’t say exactly when t
  • Instant messaging is getting more and more popular with older people.
    Present Continuous for situations which are changing during the present time
  • I have been using Facebook for ten years but Snapchat is better.
    Present Perfect Continuous for an action in progress or repeated over a period of time up until now
  • I had lost my phone and couldn’t call my parents to say I was OK.
    Past Perfect for an action in the past that was completed before another action or time in the past 290 PHOTOCOPIABLE
  • I’m looking for a new laptop – a touch screen.
    Present Continuous for things happening now or around now
  • The video call meeting was going really well until the Internet wentdown.
    Past Continuous for a long activity interrupted by a shortone
  • The research team were working with families in an Indian village last month.
    Past Continuous for actions in progress at a specifi c time in the past
  • I upload around fifty photos a day to Instagram.
    Present Simple for routines and habits/ things that happen repeatedly
  • People usually stay in touch using message apps or text messages
    Present Simple for facts and things that are generally true