
Scientific Revolution Test Review

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  • Who was put on trial for being a heretic (going against church teachings)?
  • Looking at the world in a rational, reasonable, and logical way is called what?
  • What is an explanation developed by scientists to explain observable facts called?
  • Why is the Scientific Revolution referred to as a revolution?
    Science was a radical new idea. It was a completely different way of looking at the world.
  • Who created the Heliocentric Theory?
    Nicolaus Copernicus
  • What is science?
    a particular way of gaining knowledge about the world
  • The sun is at the center of the universe under what theory?
    Heliocentric Theory
  • What is a solution that a scientist proposes to solve a problem?
  • The earth is at the center of the universe under what theory?
    Geocentric Theory
  • French philosopher who argued for clear thinking and reason to establish proof
    Rene Descartes
  • What is a barometer?
    an instrument that measures air pressure
  • What are some reasons that led to the conflict between science and the church?
    Contradictions between teachings of the new science and traditional church teachings; church officials’ fear that they would lose their authority
  • What did philosophers choose to use when considering society’s problems?
  • How do scientists determine whether or not a theory is true?
    Theories must be tested to see if they are true. Scientists design experiments to test their theories.
  • This Danish astronomer who made detailed charts of the stars’ movements
    Tycho Brahe
  • What are the six steps of the Scientific Method?
    1. State the problem 2.Gather information 3.Form a hypothesis 4.Test the hypothesis/conduct experiment 5.Record/analyze data 6.Draw conclusions
  • What qualities did Greek rationalists have?
    rational, or reasonable and logical
  • Who created the laws of motion and gravity?
    Isaac Newton
  • What is the step-by-step process for conducting research?
    scientific method
  • According to Descartes, what does knowledge begin with?
  • English philosopher who argued for systematic scientific research and developed the scientific method
    Francis Bacon
  • What was the Scientific Revolution?
    A series of events that led to the birth of modern science