
Ch.2 Review

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  • Spanish law allowed for 3 types of settlements in the Americas. Name 2 and tell what they were for.
    pueblo - trade; mission - religion; presidio - protection
  • In the 1500s, what was the main thing that European explorers were searching for, even more than gold?
    water-route to Asia
  • Who lived in the Americas before the arrival of the Europeans?
    Native American tribes
  • Which 2 countries led the search for a water-route around Africa, to Asia in the 1400s?
    Portugal and Spain
  • There were 3 main reasons why Spain was able to conquer Native American empires. Name 2.
    powerful weapons, European diseases, animals
  • Which explorer proved that Columbus had not reached Asia, but had found new land?
    Amerigo Vespucci
  • What did Prince Henry do to help Portugal's explorers?
    He started a school for explorers.
  • What was the name of the line, drawn by the Pope, to settle land disputes between Portugal and Spain?
    LIne of Demarcation
  • What 3 words can help us remember what motivated European countries to explore?
    God, Gold, Glory
  • The ________________, started by Martin Luther, led to a new type of Christianity known as ______________________.
    Reformation; Protestantism
  • What did the Spanish Encomienda system mean for the Native Americans?
    They could be taxed and enslaved by the Spanish.
  • Which explorer was the first European to view the Pacific Ocean from the Americas?
  • Some explorers searched for incredible things that the Natives had told them about. Name one of the things they searched for.
    Fountain of Youth; 7 Cities of Gold
  • _____________purchased Manhattan Island from the Native Americans and started the colony of _______________ which later became _____________.
    The Netherlands; New Amsterdam; New York
  • Who sponsored the voyages of Christopher Columbus? (person and country)
    Queen Isabella of Spain
  • Which explorer first circumnavigated the Earth? (well, almost)
  • Which 2 Portuguese explorers found the southern tip of Africa and then continued on to reach Asia?
    Dias and DaGama
  • Which 2 Native empires were conquered by Cortez and Pizarro?
    Aztec and Inca
  • Which word refers to Spanish explorers who came to the Americas to conquer and colonize?
  • Name the treaty that moved the Pope's line farther west to give Portugal more land.
    Treaty of Tordesillas
  • Describe France's relationship with the Native Americans.
    trade partners; respected them as hunters; did not force them to convert to catholisism
  • What was one reason why King Phillip II sent the Spanish Armada to invade England?
    return England to the Catholic church; remove Queen Elizabeth from power; stop English attacks on Spanish trade ships
  • What do we call the gradual blending of the Old World and the New World that began when Columbus reached North America?
    Columbian Exchange
  • Explorers from England, France, and the Netherlands were searching for a _______________, a direct water-route through North America.
    Northwest Passage