
Simple Past

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  • A famous chef ………………….. another restaurant in town. (open)
    A famous chef opened another restaurant in town.
  • Janet …………... the 8 o’clock train. (catch)
    Janet caught the 8 o’clock train.
  • Daniel ………………… French at the local school. (teach)
    Daniel taught French at the local school.
  • Some children ………………… the last exam. (fail)
    Some children failed the last exam.
  • Carmela ………………….. some romantic novels. (write)
    Carmela wrote some romantic novels.
  • They are still in bed because they ………….. a lot of beer last night. (drink)
    They are still in bed because they drank a lot of beer last night.
  • Nora and her sister Sonia ……………. a lot of money on the lottery. (win)
    Nora and her sister Sonia won a lot of money on the lottery.
  • Anne ……………………… a lot pictures in the garden. (take)
    Anne took a lot pictures in the garden.
  • Her grandmother …………………. to the supermarket. (go)
    Her grandmother went to the supermarket.
  • Mathilde …. ……… her dad in the garden. (help)
    Mathilde helped her dad in the garden.
  • It ………… heavily last Monday morning. (rain)
    It rained heavily last Monday morning.
  • The teacher ...... his car very fast. (drive)
    The teacher drove his car very fast.
  • Laurita sometimes ………… money from my purse. (steal)
    Laurita sometimes stole money from my purse.
  • The nurse ……………….. to the patients slowly. (talk)
    The nurse talked to the patients slowly.
  • Philip …………….. lunch at the restaurant. (have)
    Philip had lunch at the restaurant.
  • We ………………. the manager’s instructions. (follow)
    We followed the manager’s instructions.
  • The English gentlemen ………………… a black hat. (wear)
    The English gentlemen wore a black hat.
  • The boy …………………… to get the last bus. (run)
    The boy ran to get the last bus.
  • She ……………..Philosophy at the university ten years ago. (study)
    She studied Philosophy at the university ten years ago.
  • Your cat …………………. badly yesterday. (behave)
    Your cat behaved badly yesterday.