
History of Music Players

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  • Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in what year? 1832, 1877 or 1977?
    Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877.
  • Unlike CDs, records play music on _______ sides.
    Unlike CDs, records play music on BOTH (or TWO) sides.
  • Records are made from ________.
    Records are made from VINYL.
  • A reel to reel player is used to _______ and play music.
    A reel to reel player is used to RECORD and play music.
  • Single records held only ______ song on each side.
    Single records held only ONE song on each side.
  • Thomas Edison invented the ________.
    Thomas Edison invented the PHONOGRAPH.
  • The Sony Walkman was the first __________ stereo. It could be easily carried.
    The Sony Walkman was the first PORTABLE stereo. It could be easily carried.
  • LP is short for ___________
    LP is short for LONG PLAYING (RECORDS).
  • Hi-fi is short for _______.
    Hi-fi is short for HIGH FIDELITY.
  • The Sony Walkman played music on __________.
    The Sony Walkman played music on CASSETTES.
  • The first _______ were released 1982.
    The first CDs were released 1982.
  • Over 200 _________ CDs were sold between 1982 and 2007.
    Over 200 BILLION CDs were sold between 1982 and 2007.
  • CDs can hold about _______ minutes of music.
    CDs can hold about 80 minutes of music.
  • TRUE or FALSE? Hi-fi was invented in the 1970s.
    FALSE. Hi-fi was invented in the 1920s.
  • The Sony _________ played music on cassettes.
    The Sony WALKMAN played music on cassettes.
  • Records were developed in the __________. 1840s 1940s 1980s
    Records were developed in the 1940s.