
Prefixes for Middle School Speech Therapy

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  • ANTI: against; what do you think "antibacterial" is?
    "against" bacteria, preventing the growth or spread of bacteria
  • what does the prefix "auto-" mean?
  • What does the prefix "anti-" mean?
  • What does it mean to "deforest"?
    less + forest = clearing of forests
  • What is a "copilot"?
    someone who works together with the pilot
  • ANTI-: against; what do you think antifreeze is?
    "against" freezing, stops something from freezing
  • What does it mean to "cooperate"?
    work together
  • what does the prefix "co-" mean?
  • AST-: star; what do you think "asteroids" are?
    small rocky objects that orbit the sun
  • What do you think a "coworker" is?
    someone you work together with
  • What does it mean to "dislike" something?
    you don't like it
  • What does it mean to "decline"?
    become less or to reject
  • what does the prefix "dis-" mean?
    not, opposite of
  • What do you think "automatic" means?
    self + move = something that moves or works by itself
  • AUTO: self; what do you think autograph means?
    a signature that someone famous signed themselves
  • What do you think autopilot means?
    something that drives and steers by itself
  • AUTO: self; what do you think "autobiography" means?
    a story about a person's life that they write about themselves
  • What does it mean to "disappear"?
    to not appear, go away
  • what does the prefix "de-" mean?
  • What does it mean to "disagree"?
    don't agree
  • What does it mean to "disrespect" someone
    not show respect
  • what does the prefix "ast-" mean?