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  • Your - photo - must - your - be - audience - relevant - to - and relatable
    Your photo must be relevant and relatable to your audience
  • give out - the committee - the best - a money - for - will - photo? - prize
    Will the committee give out a prize money for the best photo?
  • objects - The photographer - that - can - express - use - mood
    The photographer can use objects that express mood
  • The rule of thirds - your - will - balance - add - to - picture
    The rule of thirds will add balance to your picture
  • photography - The participants - any - may - techniques - use
    The participants may use any photography techniques
  • choose - You - must - carefully - composition - your
    You must choose your composition carefully
  • copyrighted - The writers - use - photos - can’t - any
    The writers can’t use any copyrighted photos
  • you - For - behind - must - you - put - an outdoor selfie, - the sunlight
    For an outdoor selfie, you must put the sunlight behind you