
Remote house in the West of Scotland

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  • Who is the first minister of Scotland?
    Nicola Sturgeon.
  • Name one of the main ingredients of black pudding.
    Fat, onion, cow or pigs blood, animal intestine.
  • What is the flower of Scotland?
  • What is Scotland's national instrument?
  • Scottish men usually 'go commando' under their kilts. What does 'going commando' mean?
    Not wearing underwear.
  • What date is Hogmanay in Scotland?
    New Years Eve - 31st December
  • What is the capital of Scotland?
  • What colours are the scottish flag?
    Blue and white.
  • What is a cottage?
    A small house, typically in the country.
  • Tossing the caber is a traditional Scottish Highland athletics event. What is the Caber? a) A pole b) A ball C) A car
    a) A pole
  • What is a loch?
    A lake.
  • Which is Scotland's largest city, Edinburgh or Glasgow?
  • What does remote mean?
    A place far away from main centres of population.
  • What is the population of Scotland?
    About 5 million.
  • What does self-catering mean?
    Holiday accommodation that offers facilities for people to cook their own meals.
  • Where does Nessie live?
    Loch Ness