
Green living

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  • Which of these items can be turned into fertilizer for your garden? A. Eggshell, B. Golf ball, C. Plastic packaging, D. All of the above
    A. Eggshell
  • Littering is good for the environment. (True or False?)
  • Why is it good to reuse things?
    If you reuse something, you don't have to throw it away.
  • What are three examples of recyclable waste?
    plastic bottles, metal cans, paper
  • Landfill of waste batteries can cause environmental pollution. (True or False?)
  • What are five examples of organic waste?
    leftover food, coffee grounds, apple cores, eggshells, pet food
  • Which of the three bags is ecofriendly? Paper, Plastic or Cloth?
  • What are two other names for waste?
    Trash, Garbage, Rubbish
  • The picture above is a simple way to ___ old jars. A. reuse B. reduce C. recycle
    A. reuse
  • Where does trash go after you throw it away?
    The landfill / The ocean
  • Which one is non-recyclable trash? A. Coke cans B. dirty diapers C. banana peels
    B. dirty diapers
  • What are three ways you can use less plastic?
    Bring your own shopping bag. / Pack your lunch in reusable containers. / Carry a reusable water bottle.
  • Say at least 4 environmentally friendly things you can do with your unwanted clothes.
    repair, sell, donate, recycle, swap
  • What are the four kinds of pollution?
    Air pollution, Land pollution, Water pollution, Noise pollution
  • Turn off water while brushing your teeth belongs to which of the 3R principles? A. Reduce B. Reuse C. Recycle
    A. Reduce
  • Metal straws is eco friendlier than using plastic straws. (True or False?)
  • What is waste? => Something people t _ _ _ _ a _ _ _.
    Something people throw away.
  • What are the 3 R's?
    Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • The picture is one of many ways to ........... waste. A. reuse, B. reduce, C. recycle, D. recover
    C. recycle