
Communications Concept 3

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  • A courteous message is positive, considerate, and bias-free. Be courteous by using proper names with their what?
  • This process is done with the final draft and involves making corrections that do not require use of reference materials.
  • Concise messages are brief and ??
    to the point!
  • Which punctuation mark used to indicate the omission of characters or possession?
  • How do you know a sentence is parallel?
    It is easier to understand because it will have the same wording, ex: The work was done quickly and accurately.
  • This is the technical term for a mark used to signal the end of a sentence.
  • Clear messages are precise and ??
  • What are the four types of common biases?
    Race, Gender, Age, Disability
  • What is a sentence that can stand alone, has a subject and a verb, and expresses a complete thought?
  • Abbreviations rules included addresses, business names, miscellaneous, and ?
    Expressions of time - be sure to study these from the notes.
  • What is a nonrestrictive element?
    not essential to the meaning of the sentence
  • A pronoun is a word that takes the place of what part of speech?
  • Number expression rules include numbers one through ten written as words and numbers 11 and up written as what?
  • When a sentence contains a series, which internal mark should be used to separate items in the series?
  • Names a person, place, thing, or idea
  • The words "and", "but", and "or" are examples of what part of speech?
  • What are the methods of proofreading?
    Comparative, Onscreen, Team
  • A message that contains all the information needed to achieve the writer’s objective is considered to be ??