
The active and passive voice: Modal verbs L-9, E ...

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  • We may finish the leftover in the refrigerator.
    The leftover in the refrigerator may be finished by us.
  • The mailman is delivering the mail now.
    The mail is being delivered by the mailman now.
  • The citizens are defending the city bravely.
    The city is being defended by the citizens bravely.
  • He has to pay the bill before the first of the month.
    The bill has to be paid by him before the first of the month.
  • They may organize a new group next week.
    A new group may be organized by them next week.
  • He may pay the bill for us.
    The bill may be paid by him for us.
  • For the time being, Karen is teaching that group.
    That group is being taught by Karen for the time being.
  • You ought to water the plant once a week.
    The plant ought to be watered by you once a week.
  • You ought to send the package by registered mail.
    The package ought to be sent by you by registered mail.
  • The police are holding him for further questioning.
    He is being held by the police for further questioning.
  • He has to finish it today.
    It has to be finished by him today.
  • They may deliver the merchandise while we are out.
    The merchandise may be delivered by them while we are out.
  • They should send it to us at once.
    It should be sent to us by them at once.
  • They cannot hold the meeting in that room.
    The meeting cannot be held by them in that room.
  • Congress is debating that question today.
    That question is being debated by Congress today.