
Schools around the state and world

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  • In this country kids ride their bikes to school through air thick with smog. Air pollution levels have risen steadily in the country in recent years.
  • In this country, "school buses" involve kids piling into and hanging off the back of ordinary trucks.
  • In an attempt to be gender inclusive, this state requires teachers not to call their students “boys” and “girls,” but “Purple Penguins” or other gender-neutral names that include everyone.
  • Can you name three states in the US that have banned critical race theory being taught in schools?
    Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Tennessee.... What do you know about critical race theory and what do you think about it?
  • Name as many banned books as you can Go!
    Hop on Pop, Harry Potter, Captain Underpants, The Diary of Anne Frank, A Wrinkle in Time, Charlotte's Web. What do you think about censorship of books?
  • Can you name a country where students pray during the school day?
    In India most citizens practice Hindu and pray in school.  How do you feel about prayer in school?
  • In this state public school teachers are no longer permitted to portray PRIDE flags and students are not allowed to wear rainbow colors in school.
    Florida. What is your opinion on this?
  • This country has two-and-a-half to three-hour break in the middle of the day for lunch. Many children go home for the breaks, though children of working parents may stay and have lunch at school.
  • Public school teachers in this state are only required to be registered in college. They do not need to have finished college or graduate school. This means teachers can be 18 year old student with no teaching experience.
  • Prospective public school teachers in this state are only required to have served 4 years in the military to become a classroom teacher.
  • An English teacher in this state was forced to resign after sharing a QR code for banned books with her high school students.
  • True or False: A program in NYC involves placing dogs in public schools to serve as emotional support animals.
    True. The program is called the New York City education department’s Comfort Dog Program
  • Children in this country use inflated tire tubes to cross a river on their way to school.
  • This state re-instated a law allowing teachers to use corporal punishment in public schools if parents agree. So teachers can now spank their students.
    Missouri What is your opinion on this?
  • Students at this charter school in NYC wear uniforms that are orange, gray, and white.
    Success Academy. Does your school have uniforms? If not, how would you feel if you had to wear one?
  • True or false: There are students who identify as cats called "furries" who have asked for litter boxes in school bathrooms.
    True: There are kids who identify as "furries" however there are no known schools providing litterboxes.
  • In this country students enjoy a 15 minute break for every 45 minute lesson, as well as one or possibly two, 30 minute recesses. They go out rain or shine.
  • In this state, students are now required to carry clear backpacks in school.
  • This country has the shortest school year from August to June and also the longest school day running from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a half day on Saturday.
  • This state allows a student between the ages of 16 and 18 to drop out of school.
  • In order to get to this maritime NYC public high school, students must take the Governor's Island ferry.
    New York Harbor School
  • Elementary students in this country spend around 75 minutes at recess daily.
  • Kids in this country do not start school until the age of 7
  • Students in this country go to school 6 days a week and get approximately 9 hours of homework a week.
  • In some school districts in this state the school year started at the beginning of August.
  • The library in which a NYC borough made a QR code making books that were banned in other states available to anyone 13 and older in ebook format?
    Brooklyn Public Library
    Bronx Public Library
    Staten Island Public Library
  • Students in this country eat rice, soup, and oranges for lunch.
  • Laws in these states prevents transgender students from using bathrooms, lockers and other such facilities that align with their gender. Also school staff must report to parents if students share that they identify as gay or transgender.
    Florida and Alabama
  • In this country, children are not permitted to perform cartwheels at school without the direct supervision of a trained gymnastics instructor.