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  • what is chlorophyl
    a green pigment molecule. its ability to absorb light & make their own food. They do this through a process called photosynthesis
  • what is the role of light to plant?
    light as energy for making food (O2 & sugar)
  • If plants do not have enough water?
    they will be dry up(แห้ง) & die
  • If plant dose not get light enough?
    stalk (ก้าน) become weak & leave will turn pale yellow (ใบเหลือง)
  • What others put fertilizers to soil add up?
    1. chemmincal fertilizer 2. green manure Ex. พืชตะกูลถั่ว (bean) 3. animal feces 4. compost
  • which factors make a plant grow? (4 things)
    light, water, Air, Nutrients
  • จากการทดลองดินกับการเจริญเติบโตของพืช นร.คิดว่าพืชที่ปลูกในดินทรายกับดินร่วน โตแตกต่างกันหรือไม่
  • what is the role of air to plant?
    they need 1. carbondioxide in the air to making food 2.use O2 for breathing
  • If plants do not have enough nutrients?
    grow slowly, small & weak
  • what is the role of nutrients to plant?
    nutrients ( nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K).) make plant grow quickly
  • what is the role of water to plant?
    plants use water to (1) break down nutrients in soil (2) making food
  • เมื่อพืชไม่ได้รับอากาศ 10วัน ผลการทดลองเป็นอย่างไร
    ใบสีเขียว ลำต้นเหี่ยวเฉา
  • whai is photosynthesis
    their chloroplast use sunlight converts water and CO2 into oxygen and glucose. Glucose feeds the plant and helps it grow. This process is called photosynthesis
  • If plant get light too much?
    burnt leaves (ใบไหม้)
  • What's The Best Type of Soil For Plants?
    loam (ดินร่วน)