
Magic Tree House #13

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  • What tune did Wolfie play? (83)
    The same tune Jack played on the flute.
  • Who told Jack and Annie what to do when they greeted Her Imperial Majesty? (29)
    Girl in a white dress
  • What did Jack and Annie get invited to? (7)
    A royal party
  • How did the crowd like Jack and Annie’s performance? (96)
    Loved it
  • In the book, what was Mozart’s last great opera name after? (103)
    Jack and Annie and their flute performance
  • Why didn’t Jack want to help look for Wolfie? (58)
    Wanted to find the artist
  • What happened when Jack bowed for Her Imperial Majesty? (31)
    His flute fell out of his pocket, wig fell off, hat fell off, sneezed, slipped
  • Who is Wolfie? (87)
    Mozart/ a famous pianist and composer
  • How did Jack feel after he left the room with the duchess? (35)
    Angry, embarrassed
  • What did Annie have Wolfie and all the animals do during the song? (72)
    Follow her
  • What did Jack and Annie use to soothe the animals in the garden? (69)
    Magic flute
  • How did Wolfie feel about music after Jack and Annie finished playing the flute and singing? (78)
    Felt it was magic, loved it
  • Where did Wolfie want to play with Jack and Annie? (47)
    In the garden
  • What hung at the small boy’s side that laughed at Jack? (25)
    A small sword
  • What does Jack’s wig look like? (13)
    White, powdered, curls on the side and ponytail in the back
  • Who was the great artist Jack and Annie needed to find and help put back on the path? (89)
  • What did Kathleen turn the Wand of Dianthus into? (8)
    A magic flute
  • What is the name of the girl who helped them present themselves to Her Imperial Majesty? (40)
  • What does Wolfie keep calling Jack? (51)
    Jack the Clown
  • What did Merlin want Jack and Annie to find on this mission? (6)
    A brilliant artist
  • How did Wolfie change when he played the piano? (83)
    Didn’t act like a kid anymore
  • Who helped Jack and Annie get to the summer palace? (18)
  • What happened to the animals at the end of the song? (76)
    Disappeared to their real homes
  • Who was sitting on Her Imperial Majesty’s lap? (28)
    The boy with the sword
  • What did Jack learn about using his wits and talents? (99)
    He had to think fast and use his talents to get through the mission.
  • What is the name of the boy with the sword? (40)
  • How did Jack perform since the flute didn’t work? (92)
    Was a clown
  • Where’s the party held? (8)
    Vienna, Austria/ Summer Palace
  • Why did Wolfie run away? (54)
    He wanted to play and never gets to.
  • Why did Nan need to find Wolfie so badly? (83)
    He was playing the piano for everyone
  • What was keeping Wolfie up in the tree? (66)
  • How old is Wolfie? (40)
  • Why didn’t Merlin send a research book with Jack and Annie? (15)
    He wanted them to use their wits and talents
  • Why do you think Jack felt so happy when he got back to Frog Creek?
  • Who took Jack and Annie back to the gate where the tree house was? (98)
  • Who asked Jack and Annie to perform for everyone at the party? (90)
    The duchess
  • Why did the little boy in the other carriage laugh at Jack? (22)
    His wig was crooked
  • Why were there so many animals in the garden? (65)
    It was a zoo
  • How does Jack feel about Wolfie? (52)
    Annoyed with him
  • When Jack and Annie went into the garden to find Wolfie, what made the strange noises they heard? (62)