
Short Riddles

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  • You need fire. You have alcohol, petrol, paper, lighter fluid, a full matchbox and cotton swabs. What do you first light?
    The matches from the matchbox
  • Tomorrow starts with "T" and ends with "E", ok?
    Yes, End (the word starts with "E")
  • What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
    A Towel
  • You are driving a bus with 20 people in. On the 1° Stop, 9 people get off and 3 get in and in the 2° Stop, 4 people get off and 13 people get in. So, what's the driver's eyes color?
    (You are the driver, so your eyes color)
  • Why can't a living American man be buried in Canada?
    Because he's still alive.
  • What is always coming but never arrives?
  • What can you catch but not throw?
    Flu / Cold
  • What kind of room doesn't have doors nor windows?
    A mushroom (mushROOM)
  • Paul's height is 1.72mts, he's a butcher and wears 8cm-high boots, what does he weigh?
  • There are 12 penguins eating fish on a ice block and 4 of the fly away, how many penguins are left?
    Penguins don't fly
  • Who makes it, doesn't need it, who buys it, doesn't use it and who uses it, can't see it or feel it, What is it?
    A Coffin
  • What kind of tree you can carry on your hand?
    The Palm
  • What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
    A Stamp on an envelop
  • Which word in the dictionary is spelled/written incorrectly?
  • What invention lets you look through a wall?
    A window
  • Feed me and I will live more and more, yet give me a drink and I'll die.
  • Rip my skin off and I won't will.
  • If you had a ton of stones and a ton of feathers, which one is heavier?
    Both, they weigh the same.
  • What can get broken without being held nor touched?
    (The Ex) Promises
  • What is the end of rainbow?
    The "W" (rainboW)
  • What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it and the rich should face it and if you need it, you'll die.