
A1_1 Lesson 10 Revision

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  • I rarely have breakfast at home, I usually eat ____.
  • Can you turn _____ the volume on the TV or switch it _____. It’s hard to concentrate in such noise.
    down; off
  • Name 5 different types of house. Describe them.
  • We live in a _____. It’s a house for two families with one common wall.
    semi-detached house
  • Adam: Ben, this is my colleague Mr. Harrison. Ben: How do you do? Mr. Harrison: ____
    How do you do?
  • Sue loves mornings. She always feels energetic and _____.
  • I love the weekend because I have _____ in the morning.
    a lie-in
  • Here, tenants usually sign the _____ with the landlords.
    rental application packet
  • Name 10 house appliances.