
End Marks and Commas

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  • Whales most people assume are nonvocal mammals.
    Whales, most people assume, are nonvocal mammals.
  • They had little sleep and only poor food was available at the stops where the horses were changed along the way.
    They had little sleep, and only poor food was available at the stops where the horses were changed along the way.
  • Look up both words in a dictionary, please
    Look up both words in a dictionary, please. or ! Imperative
  • What a great name that is for those cats
    What a great name that is for those cats! Exclamatory
  • Give us some examples
    Give us some examples. or ! Imperative
  • This astonishing fact moreover sets these whales apart from all other mammals because no other mammal except man has the ability to vary its song.
    This astonishing fact, moreover, sets these whales apart from all other mammals because no other mammal, except man, has the ability to vary its song.
  • Wherever they settled they stayed because they had come to make their homes.
    Wherever they settled, they stayed because they had come to make their homes.
  • The amazing thing about the humpback whale's song however is that it is constantly changing.
    The amazing thing about the humpback whale's song, however, is that it is constantly changing.
  • You must be joking
    You must be joking! Exclamatory
  • The following year however each group will alter its song slightly.
    The following year, however, each group will alter its song slightly.
  • Have you ever heard of a leap of leopards
    Have you ever heard of a leap of leopards? Interrogative
  • In 1776, there were fifty-three newspapers in London
    In 1776, there were fifty-three newspapers in London. Declarative
  • All the whales in Bermuda waters for example will sing the same song in any one year while all the whales in Hawaii waters will be singing a similar one.
    All the whales in Bermuda waters, for example, will sing the same song in any one year while all the whales in Hawaii waters will be singing a similar one.
  • Either noun can be used for whales
    Either noun can be used for whales. Declarative
  • Insects outnumber people by millions to one
    Insects outnumber people by millions to one. Declarative
  • Who was the first female astronaut
    Who was the first female astronaut? Interrogative
  • Then, what is a pod
    Then, what is a pod? Interrogative
  • What an amazing story that is
    What an amazing story that is! Exclamatory
  • Not many early migrating people braved the oceans but the ancient Polynesians crossed the sea to find a new home
    Not many early migrating people braved the ocean, but the ancient Polynesians crossed the sea to find a new home
  • Well, a group of lions is a pride
    Well, a group of lions is a pride. Declarative
  • When the famous overland mail service was started in 1858 travelers spent nearly three weeks in cramped stagecoaches going from Missouri to California.
    When the famous overland mail service was started in 1858, travelers spent nearly three weeks in cramped stagecoaches going from Missouri to California.
  • When in 1860 the pony express began to carry letters in saddlebags on fast ponies the migrants lost one way of travel.
    When in 1860 the pony express began to carry letters in saddlebags on fast ponies, the migrants lost one way of travel.
  • Some settlers in the Midwest decided to migrate to the West Coast and made the trip by covered wagon
    Some settlers in the Midwest decided to migrate to the West Coast and made the trip by covered wagon. Trick question, no commas needed
  • Who were the first people to use paper money
    Who were the first people to use paper money? Interrogative
  • Insert the diskette in this slot
    Insert the diskette in this slot. or ! Imperative
  • Please put the stamped envelopes in this box
    Please put the stamped envelopes in this box. or ! Imperative
  • Among the many migrants to the United States the Scandinavians settled in Minnesota Wisconsin and North Dakota.
    Among the many migrants to the United States, the Scandinavians settled in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North Dakota.
  • What a thrill that ride was
    What a thrill that ride was! Exclamatory
  • Buckle your seatbelt even for short trips
    Buckle your seatbelt even for short trips. or ! Imperative
  • Today in the United States some people migrate to find a better climate but most people migrate to seek better jobs.
    Today in the United States, some people migrate to find a better climate, but most people migrate to seek better jobs.
  • But one whale the humpback emits a "song."
    But one whale, the humpback, emits a "song."
  • Unlike nomads migrants usually settle permanently and adopt the customs of their new home.
    Unlike nomads, migrants usually settle permanently and adopt the customs of their new home
  • By "song" is meant a regular sequence of repeated sounds that are organized into patterns like the calls made by birds.
    By "song" is meant a regular sequence of repeated sounds that are organized into patterns like the calls made by birds. Trick question, no commas needed
  • The following year however their song will be slightly different.
    The following year, however, their song will be slightly different.
  • What is a group of leopards called
    What is a group of leopards called? Interrogative
  • One is just as weird as the other
    One is just as weird as the other. Declarative
  • Because migrants have conquered wildernesses developed natural resources and established nations migration has been an important force throughout history.
    Because migrants have conquered wildernesses, developed natural resources, and established nations, migration has been an important force throughout history.
  • A gam is a group of whales
    A gam is a group of whales. Declarative
  • Unlike birdsongs which are high-pitched and last only a few seconds humpback songs vary in pitch and last between six and thirty minutes.
    Unlike birdsongs, which are high-pitched and last only a few seconds, humpback songs vary in pitch and last between six and thirty minutes.
  • The whales compose it seems as they go along and they incorporate new elements into their song of the previous year.
    The whales compose, it seems, as they go along, and they incorporate new elements into their song of the previous year.