
Unit 1 Test Study Guide

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  • An educated guess or possible answer to a question is more commonly referred to as a…
  • A group of subjects that do not receive any special treatment in an experiment so you have “normal” results for comparison is known as a…
    control group
  • When doing a lab, are you allowed to do whatever you want to do?
  • Your teacher has planned a fun lab for the day that involves food you love to eat. Should you go ahead and eat the food when you see it?
  • Look at the following research question. How fast will ice cream melt at different temperatures? Identify the independent and dependent variables.
    independent variable: different temperatures, dependent variable: how fast it melts
  • Your teacher distributes materials for a lab, and you notice that the beaker she gives you has a chip in it. What should you do?
    Raise your hand and tell the teacher so she can get you a new beaker.
  • The variable in an experiment that you measure is known as the…
    dependent variable
  • Something in an experiment that stays the same is known as a…
  • When is it okay to run in the classroom?
  • Something in an experiment that will change is known as a…
  • True or false: Scientists always have to be right.
    FALSE - You learn from your mistakes.
  • What do you call the series of steps that a scientist follows to solve a problem?
    scientific method
  • The variable that you change on purpose in an experiment is known as a…? How many of them can you have in an experiment? (answer both parts of the question)
    independent variable, 1
  • What is the difference between a hypothesis and a conclusion?
    A hypothesis is what you think WILL happen in the experiment. A conclusion is what DID happen in the experiment.
  • Look at the following research question. What is the effect of soap brands on bubble size? Identify the independent and dependent variables.
    independent variable: brand of soap, dependent variable: bubble size