
Home Team

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  • Is the movie based on true story?
    Yes, it is.
  • What profession does the main character have?
    Football Coach
  • What was the score for their first win?
    14 x 18 points
  • What professional skill does the main character possess in "Home Team"?
    Motivational, Analytical, Administer, Communicative
  • How's the weather in the penultimate game?
    It was raining/rainy.
  • What is there on the fire scene?
    Balloons, kids, a car, trees, houses...
  • What's the sport played by the team on the movie?
    American Football
  • What are the colors of the team's uniform?
    Blue and white.
  • What is his name?
    Connor Payton
  • What is the relative relationship between the coach Sean Payton and the boy Connor?
    They are father and son.
  • What is his name?
    Troy Lambert
  • What's the name of the kids' team?
  • What is his name?