
A to Z

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  • What is the purpose of invitation expression?
    To invite someone to come to occasion/event/party
  • What is the difference between informal and formal invitation?
    Formal : Specific structure, formal occasion, serious tone. Informal : Opposite
  • Who is the recipient of the text?
    Juwita's best friend
  • Mention 2 examples of salutation.........
    Dear....Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening....
  • When will the party be held?
    Sunday, September 28th 2014
  • Part of invitation that contains date, place, time are..?
  • The contestant can ask this information to …
    The students' organization (OSIS)
  • What kind of party held by Juwita?
    Wedding party
  • The event will be held in....
    Wet Pine Street Red Jambu
  • The type of the party above is …
    Marriage Party / Anniversary
  • If you want to come, you must contact to?
  • What RSVP means?
    Please Reply
  • Independence day of Indonesia is celebrated on …….
    August 17th
  • The event was made by ….
  • Who is graduated from Bandung Institut Technology?
    Isyana Sarasvati
  • Based on the dialog above, what kind occasion will be held?
  • The recipient of the invitation above is.......
    Class of XI
  • Where will the party be held?
    Pancasila Building Bandar Lampung
  • Mention 3 structure of invitation
    Address of sender and receiver, salutation, body, signature
  • What is the language features of invitation?
    Using simple present