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  • She was a student,______________?
    wasn´t she?
  • She is your friend:_______________?
    isn´t she?
  • Tom doesn’t play the piano_____?
    does he?
  • Auxiliars of present simple
    do and does
  • Bogota is in Colombia
    isn´t it?
  • Peter, you are so funny
    aren´t you?
  • You didn’t have any class this morning________________?
    did you?
  • There are lots of cars here_____________?
  • They always sleep after lunch_______________?
    don´t they?
  • Thomas saw a movie, ____________?
    didn´t he?
  • You’re coming with us
    aren´t you?
  • You don’t do exercise_______________?
    do you?
  • tell the auxiliars of verb to be present
    Am, is, are
  • You aren´t my friend , _______?
    are you?
  • My dad is angry
    isn´t he?
  • Tourists used to come here______________?
    didn´t they?
  • She likes quiet places________________?
    doesn´t she?
  • She cooks well___________?
    Doesn´t she?
  • We are late,_____________?
    aren´t we?
  • What is the use of tag questions ? ( one word)
  • Maths isn’t easy
    is it?
  • Juanito, you finished your homehork
    didn´t you?
  • Jhon Lenon wasn´t an actor
    was he?
  • auxiliar of verb to be in past
    was and were
  • auxiliar of past simple
  • I am not disturbing you.______________?
    am I?