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  • Have you got a pencil?
    A. Yes, I have.
  • What have you got?
    I've got a rubber/an eraser.
  • haven't/ t-shirt./ got/ I/ a
    I haven't got a t-shirt.
  • How many peaches are there in the photo?
    There are four peaches (in the photo).
  • Where is the cat?
    It is is between the boxes.
  • How many fishes are there in the photo?
    There is one fish (in the photo).
  • Where is the rabbit?
    It is behind the tree.
  • What haven't you got?
    I haven't got a pencil sharpener.
  • How many foxes are there in the photo?
    There are two foxes (in the photo).
  • Where is the teddy bear?
     It is under the table.
  • How many glasses are there in the photo?
    There is one glass (in the photo).
  • Where are they?
    They are in front of the house.
  • Have you got an onion?
    C. No, I haven't.
  • book./ I've/ a/ got
    I've got a book.