
Jesus prepares his Ministry

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  • What is the second temptation?
    Ask Jesus to threw himself down from the peak of the temple
  • “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.” Jesus said those words on the ____ temptation.
  • What is the first temptation?
    Turn the stone to bread
  • The firs man fell into temptation so all of us .....
  • Is Jesus fell into temptation?
    No. Jesus won over the temptation
  • Jesus baptized in _________
    Jordan River
  • “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Who said that?
  • Who do we need to worship?
  • Jesus is God but why did he ask for the baptism?
    to fulfill of of the rightiousness
  • The first man named....
  • Jesus baptized by....
    John the Baptist
  • What is the form of the Holy spirit who come upon Jesus after baptised?
    a dove
  • What Jesus said to satan for the second temptation?
    Do not put the Lord your God in to test
  • What is the third temptation of Jesus?
    Aks Jesus to bow down over Satan
  • Jesus said man shall not live by the bread only but live by.......
    The word of God
  • What come upon Jesus after baptized?
    Holy Spirit
  • “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” Who said it?
    John the baptised
  • How long Jesus fasted
    40 days and 40 nights