
Celtic and Romans

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  • The Romans used silver to make _________.
    The Romans used silver to make coins.
  • What did the druids do?
    Supervised religious practices and sacrifices to the gods, but they were also teachers, healers, judges and scientist.
  • What language did the Romans speak?
  • What were the reasons the Romans invaded Britain?
    To get iron, corn, power and resources
  • What did the Romans build?
    Major roads were built, towns and cities had theatres.
  • The _________ learned how to make weapons from iron, which is why we call the time they lived in the “Iron Age”.
    The celts
  • Who was the wife of the king Prasutagus?
  • How did Boudicca die?
    She poisoned herself
  • Who was the Roman Emperor who attempt to invade Britain?
    Julius Caesar
  • What was the religion of the Romans?
  • What 'age' existed in Britain before the Romans came to rule?
    Iron age
  • Who was the Emperor who conquered Britain?
  • Boudicca was the queen if the ______ tribe.
    Boudicca was the queen if the Iceine tribe.
  • Who were the tribes before the Romans
    The celts
  • What city did Boudicca' army burn?
    She burnt London.
  • What did the Romans want when Boudicca's husband died?
    They wanted half of the land of the Iceni tribe.
  • What did the slaves do during the Roman empire
    Slaves were used to work as nurse maids and as miners.
  • The English language belongs to the ________ family.