
HMS 101

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  • True or False: You have a limited amount of hall passes for the week ?
    true: you only have ____ # of passes
  • What time does HMS open its doors?
    7:45 am
  • What do you need in order to get a temporary ID?
    Your CPS student ID number.
  • name the 4 items you need that are part of the HMS Uniform.
    1. Hernandez grey Polo, 2. Student ID 3. Navy blue pants 4. Closed-toed black, white or grey shoes
  • What materials should you gather from your locker before advisory starts?
    My advisory, 3rd , 4th , & 5th Period class materials
  • How can you retreat a confiscated Cellphone?
    A parent or Guardian must come pick up the device in the main office
  • Its cooold in here, can you wear any crewneck sweater as its long navy blue sweater ?
    No, you need to use the Solid navy blue with the Hernandez sweater
  • What materials should you gather before homeroom starts?
    My 1st & 2nd Period class materials
  • Through what doors do 6th grade students enter the building ?
    Courtyard doors, and cafeteria (weather )
  • Whats wrong with this scenario: " Alex and Vivian are best friends, Vivian is at home sick and texts Alex to get her notebook from her locker and drop it off at her house.
    Vivian gave out her confidential information out; her lock combination.
  • **True or False- Its okay if your phone is in vibrate in your locker.
    False, phones should be off.
  • When can you go to the bathroom ?
    Lunch, recess, advisory, and during class periods (with permission from your teacher)
  • During Dismissal, what doors do you leave through ?
    middle staircase towards the courtyard exit doors.
  • Whats wrong with this scenario, its time to switch to your 4th period class, you realized you forgot your 4th period's notebook so you decide to run to your locker very quickly to gather your items before the bell rings and class starts.
    During passing periods, you can not go to your lockers, you will need to first speak to your 4th period teacher.
  • Where can you find breakfast ?
    infront of the center staircase on the 3rd floor
  • At what time should you turn off your cell phones?
    before you enter the building. phones must be turned off once inside the building
  • You and your friends were having a conversation in the hall, and next thing you know the bell rings, what should you do next?
    go get a tardy pass, you will need a pass in order to enter your class.
  • Name the three designated times you are to gather items from your lockers
    1. At the beginning of homeroom, 2. before lunch recess, 3. Before advisory