
Climate Change

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  • 'Climate Change' is the term for global changes in the Earth's average ……………………..
  • When burnt they release substances into the atmosphere, including a gas called ……………………. which trap heat from the sun and warm up the Earth.
    carbon dioxide
  • ................ weather like heatwaves, droughts and storms are happening more often and becoming more severe.
  • Scientists say the world is about one degree Celsius warmer than it was 300 years ago when the ........................... started and people began to work in factories
    Industrial Revolution
  • Trees help us by absorbing ………………….but they release it back into the air again when they are cut down.
    carbon dioxide
  • This is called the …………………
    greenhouse effect
  • Scientists say many of the changes to the Earth's climate are caused by …………….. activity
  • Burning of oil, coal and gas (these are called …………..)
    fossil fuels
  • ................. is the term used for more people living in cities.
  • …………………… is when a forest or tree-covered area is turned into something else (for example a farm or space for houses)
  • Melting ice in places like the Arctic and Antarctic would lead to a rise in the Earth's ………………….. flooding many coastal areas and islands.
    sea level
  • The way waste is disposed of often adds to these harmful emissions. Even food waste creates another greenhouse gas called ............when it rots.
  • Population growth is the growing number of people in the world. Did you know in 1960 there were only 3 billion people in the world, whereas there are currently more than ………….billion people who all need food to eat and places to live!
  • A very influential 2018 report by an international group of ..................... said that if the planet's temperature goes up by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, it will cause huge problems for the planet.