
Basic 2 - Starter Unit - Act 2

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  • Talk to a classmate about your favorite city.
    My favorite city is Rio. It's beautiful and modern...
  • Your classmate is a new student. Ask him/her a question.
    FREE QUESTION (What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from? What is your favorite color?)
  • Ask a classmate about his/her family's origins.
    Where is your family from?
  • Ask a classmate to lend you something.
    Can you lend me an eraser/pen/pencil?
  • Ask your classmate about his/her birthday.
    A: When is your birthday?
  • It's your friend's birthday. Think of a present to give him/her and the reason.
    Let's give Karina a ____ because she can _____.
  • Ask a classmate for his/her e-mail address
    What's your e-mail address? It's k-a...
  • Ask a classmate about his/her weekend activities.
    What do you do on weekends?
  • Ask a classmate about his/her occupation
    What's your occupation? What do you do? What's your job?
  • Ask a classmate the time.
    A: What's the time? What time is it?
  • Ask a classmate a question about sports.
    A: What is your favorite sport? Do you like soccer?
  • Introduce yourself to your classmates. Say your name, your age, where are you from, your favorite color/movie/sports, etc.
    Hi! My name is ___, I'm ___ years old...
  • Ask a classmate about his/her neighborhood.
    A: What is your neighborhood like? Is your neighborhood calm? Is your neighborhood safe/dangerous?
  • Ask a classmate how he/she celebrates a holiday (Christmas, New Year's Eve, Father's Day, Mother's Day..)
    A: What do you do on _______? B: I exchange gifts with my family; I eat out with my family; I have a barbecue with my friends; etc.
  • Talk to your classmate about your abilities.
    What can you do? I can swim/drive/dance...
  • Talk about a family member (name, occupation and birthday)
    My mother's name is _____. She is a _____. Her birthday is on _____.
  • Ask a classmate to spell his/her last name.
    It's K-A-R...
  • Ask a classmate about his/her talents.
    Can you dance? Can you paint? Can you draw? Can you sing?
  • Ask a classmate what a member of his/her family is doing at the moment.
    What is your mother/father/brother/sister doing now?
  • Ask a classmate a question about his/her family.
    Do you have a brother/sister? Do you have siblings? Do you have children? Is your family big or small?