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  • What is  ............................. (difficult) thing about learning English?
    most difficult
  • Which is ...... (healthy), eating good food or getting lots of exercise?
  • Is it better to date someone who is ...... (old) or ...... (young) than you?
  • Which is ...... (difficult) to learn, maths or English?
    more difficult
  • Which pet is ...... (popular), cats or dogs?
    more popular
  • When do you usually feel ...... (hungry), before lunch or before dinner?
    more hungry/hungrier
  • What is ....................... (delicious) meal you have ever eaten?
    the most delicious
  • What is ........................... (much) you have ever weighed?
    the most
  • Does life get ...... (complicated) the older you become?
    more complicated
  • Which nationalities are  ............................. (friendly)?
    the most friendly/the friendliest
  • Are some people ...... (lucky) than others or do people make their own luck?
  • What is........................... (stupid) thing you have ever done?
    the stupidest/the most stupid
  • Is the world ...... (safe) now than it was 10 years ago?
  • Is a mobile phone ...... (useful) than a computer?
    more useful
  • Which is ...... (safe), riding a bicycle or riding a motorbike?
  • What is  ............................. (exciting) game you have ever played?
    the most exciting
  • What is your ............................. (less) favourite type of music?
  • Are you ..... (smart) than your parents?
  • Who is ............................. (influential) person in history?
    the most influential
  • What is  ............................. (early) time you could get up every morning?
    the earliest
  • Who is ........................... (generous) person you have ever met?
    the most generous
  • Is it ...... (important) to be loyal or moral?
    more important
  • What is ........................... (popular) tourist attraction in your country?
    the most popular
  • Is it ...... (easy) to push or pull?
  • Who is ........................... (clever) person you know?
    the most clever/the cleverest
  • What is ........................... (frightening) thing that has ever happened to you?
    the most frightening
  • What is ......................... (dangerous) thing you have ever done?
    the most dangerous
  • Is there anything ...... (delicious) than your mother's cooking?
    more delicious
  • Is it ...... (good) to study English in class or by yourself?
  • Whose voice is ...... (loud), yours or your best friend's?
  • Who is ......................... (crazy) person you know?
    the craziest
  • When were you ...... (busy), yesterday or the day before yesterday?
  • Which building is ...... (modern) your office or your house?
    more modern
  • Who are ............................ (bad) drivers - men or women?
    the worst
  • Who are ...... (bad) drivers, men or women?
  • What is ............................. (enjoyable) holiday you have ever had?
    the most enjoyable
  • What is ....................... (great) invention ever?
    the greatest
  • Is living in the country ...... (cheap) than living in the city?
  • What is ............................. (spicy) dish you have ever eaten?
    the spiciest
  • What is ............................. (shocking) news you have ever heard?
    the most shocking
  • Who is ............................. (nice) person you know?
    the nicest
  • What is ......................... (quick) way to get over a cold?
    the quickest
  • Are you ...... (happy) now or when you were a child?
  • When are you ............................. (happy)?
  • Who is ......................... (attractive) man or woman you have ever seen?
    the most attractive
  • Who is your ............................. (old) relative?
  • What is ............................. (worrying) thing about the future?
    the most worrying
  • Which room in your home is ...... (clean), the kitchen or your bedroom?
  • Which is ...... (entertaining), watching films or playing computer games?
    more entertaining
  • Who is ........................... (funny) person you know?
    the funniest
  • What is....................... (good) thing that has ever happened to you?
    the best
  • Are you ..... (creative) now or when you were younger?
    more creative
  • Who is ......................... (creative) person you know?
    the most creative