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  • What is this person doing?
    This person is drawing.
  • Is this hot or cold?
    This is cold.
  • Does he smell something good or something bad?
    He smells something bad.
  • Is this person balancing or pulling?
    This person is balancing.
  • What is this person doing?
    This person is seeing / looking.
  • Is this soft or hard?
    This is hard.
  • What is this person doing?
    This person is smelling.
  • What do they smell?
    They smell a flower.
  • Are they pulling or pushing?
    They are pulling.
  • What is this person doing?
    This person is walking.
  • What is this person doing?
    This person is seeing / looking.
  • What does the dog taste?
    The dog tastes corn.
  • What is this person doing?
    This person is tasting.
  • Is this person hot or cold?
    This person is cold.
  • Is this sticky or bumpy?
    This is sticky.
  • What is this person doing?
    This person is catching a ball.
  • Is this soft or hard?
    This is soft.
  • Is this cold or hot?
    This is hot.
  • Is this sticky or bumpy?
    This is bumpy.
  • Is he kicking or pushing?
    He is kicking.
  • What is this person doing?
    This person is hearing / listening.
  • What does he taste?
    He tastes hamburgers.
  • Is this person wet or dry?
    This person is wet.
  • Is this sticky or bumpy?
    This is sticky.
  • What is this person doing?
    This person is seeing / looking.
  • Is this soft or hard?
    This cat is soft.
  • Is this sticky or bumpy?
    This is bumpy.
  • Are they pulling or pushing?
    They are pulling.
  • Are they pushing or kicking?
    They are pushing.
  • Is this hot or cold?
    This drink is hot.
  • What is this person doing?
    This person is hearing / listening.
  • What is this person doing?
    This person is listening / hearing.
  • What are they doing?
    They are tasting.