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  • Which story included a plague that killed thousands of people?
    The Mask of the Red Death
  • Why was the man in "The Black Cat" so aggressive?
    Because he drank too much alcohol
  • What were people doing in the castle when they saw the man with the mask of the death?
    They were dancing and having a party
  • What omen appears to the man when he adopts his second cat in "The Black Cat"?
    The gallows
  • Who hired Sherlock Holmes to solve the case of the important exam papers?
    Mr Bannister
  • Who was Sherlock Holmes' assistant?
    Doctor Watson
  • In the "Oval Portrait", what was the man's hobby?
  • In the last story we read, what was the name of the illness the Prince was escaping from?
    The Red Death
  • What did Prince Prospero do after his friends had entered the castle?
    He threw the keys to a lake
  • Who wrote the stories we have read so far this year?
    Edgar Allan Poe and Arthur Conan Doyle
  • What happened to Prince Prospero when he confronted the man wearing the Black clothes?
    He died
  • In the "Oval Portrait", what happened to the woman while her husband finished the painting?
    She died
  • What were the names of the 3 suspect students in the story "The Important Exam Papers"?
    Gilchrist, Daulat Ras and Mc Laren
  • Where were the authors of the stories we read from?
    The UK and the USA
  • Which of the 4 texts we read is a frame story, that is, a story within a story?
    The Oval Portrait
  • The musicians tried to capture the stranger with the death mask. What happened when they grabbed him?
    They disappeared
  • What happened to the man after he killed his first cat?
    His house got on fire