
Final game - Week 8 - St

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  • What food do you like?
    I like __________
  • What do you eat/drink for lunch?
    I eat/drink __________ for lunch.
  • What do you eat/drink for breakfast?
    I eat/drink ______ for breakfast
  • What's this?
    It's the park
  • Describe cake (delicious, disgusting, hot, cold, sweet, salty)
    Cake is __________ (delicious, disgusting, hot, cold, sweet, salty)
  • Describe eggs (healthy or unhealthy)
    Eggs are healthy
  • What's this?
    It's the theme park
  • Where do you live?
    I live in ___________
  • How old are you?
    I'm _______ years old
  • Describe 1 food. For example: Ice cream is delicious.
    _________ is/are ____________ (sweet, salty, delicious, etc)
  • Describe 1 food. For example: Juice is sweet.
    _______ is/are __________ (sweet, salty, delicious, etc)
  • What place do you want to visit?
    I want to visit ___________ (The Moai Statues, The Kukulkan Pyramids, Santiago, La Serena, Brazil, etc)
  • What do you eat at tea time?
    I eat ___________ at time time
  • What place do you want to visit?
    I want to visit ___________ (The Moai Statues, The Kukulkan Pyramids, Santiago, La Serena, Brazil, etc)
  • What's this?
    This is juice
  • Describe soda (healthy or unhealthy)
    Soda is unhealthy
  • What's your name?
    My name is _________