
Vocabulary 1

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  • perseverance: continued effort to do or achieve something, even when this is difficult or takes a long time
    noun, i am perseverance in my studies
  • feeling: the fact of feeling something physical
    noun, the feel is a chemical reaction
  • courage: the ability to control your fear in a dangerous or difficult situation
    noun, i have courage in a difficult situation
  • fear: an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful, or bad that is happening or might happen
    noun, i have fear to the darkness
  • weakness: the fact or state of not being strong or powerful
    noun, i aren't weak
  • resourcefulness: the ability to make decisions and act on your own
    noun, i'm not resourcefulness
  • moments: a very short period of time
    noun, i have very good moments
  • anxiety: an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that is happening or might happen in the future
    noun, I have a lot of anxiety in an exam
  • emotions: a strong feeling such as love or anger, or strong feelings in general
    noun, the emotions are a feeling
  • despair: the feeling that there is no hope and that you can do nothing to improve a difficult or worrying situation
    noun, I am very desperate when I didn't send the homework
  • relief: a feeling of happiness that something unpleasant has not happened or has ended
    noun, i have relief when i send a homework
  • joy: great happiness
    noun, i have joy when i play
  • qualities: how good or bad something is
    noun, i have too much qualities
  • belief: the feeling of being certain that something exists or is true
    noun, i belief in the catholicism
  • pain: a feeling of physical suffering caused by injury or illness
    noun, i have pain when i have an accident
  • disappointment: something or someone that is not what you were hoping it would be
    noun, i am disappointment when i didn't reach to my goal
  • strenght : the ability to do things that need a lot of physical or mental effort
    noun, i'm very strength
  • hunger: the feeling you have when you need to eat
    noun, i have hunger in the midday
  • states: a condition or way of being that exists at a particular time
    noun, the states are very variables