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  • What has Helen just finished doing?
    She has just finished reading the Lord of the Rings
  • How does Helen say when she wants to make an invitation?
    Do you fancy coming to see the school play?
  • What is the function of this expression : " You ought to...."
    express sympathy
    make an invitation
    give advice
  • How does Helen say when she wants to give advice?
    I think you should read
  • What is the function of this expression : " Are you free to....?"
    make an invitation
    decline an invitation
    accept an invitation
  • How does Helen say when she wants to express a like and dislike?
    I am not mad about the film, but i love the book
  • What is the function of this expression : " I'd love to..., but I am afraid I can't...."
    decline an invitation
    express sympathy
    accept an invitation
  • What is the function of this expression : " I heard about... What a shame"
    express sympathy
    give advice
    make an invitation
  • What is the function of this expression : " I am really into..., but I am not that keen on..."
    express sympathy
    express a like and dislike
    give advice
  • Who is Helen writing to?
    Helen is writing to her grandmother
  • How does Helen say when she wants to make an invitation?
    I am really sorry, but I can't make it
  • How does Helen say when she wants to express sympathy?
    I was sorry to hear about your cat. You must miss him
  • What has her grandmother invited her to do?
    She has invited her to lunch next Saturday