
tiger 3 unit 6 revision

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  • walk on the spot for 10 seconds!
  • what's this?
  • Is it raining?
    Yes, it is.
  • what's this?
    playing Frisbee
  • Answer: Is your teacher making a sandcastle now?
    No, she isn't.
  • apteczka pierwszej pomocy
    first aid kit
  • Mary/in/is/shade/lying/the/?
    Is Mary lying in the shade?
  • Rekin odpływa!
    The shark is swimming away!
  • Extra points: do 3 jumping jacks!
  • What can you do on the beach?
    make a sandcastle, collect shells, play volleyball, fish, etc...
  • Is it cloudy?
    No, it isn't.
  • touch your toes for extra points!
  • turn around twice!
  • Answer: are you fishing now?
    No, I'm not.
  • On zbiera teraz muszelki.
    He is collecting shells now.
  • Rozgwiazda pływa w morzu
    A starfish is swimming in the sea
  • Co ona teraz robi?
    What is she doing now?
  • Which animal is walking sideways?
    a crab
  • Greg teraz nie nakłada kremu do opalania.
    Greg isn't putting on a sun cream now.
  • who is it?
  • what's this?
  • Spongebob/are/volleyball/Patrick/playing/and/.
    Spongebob and Patrick are playing volleyball.
  • He is lying in the shade.
    On leży w cieniu.
  • what's this?
  • what's this?
    a seahorse