
Examples of orders

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • What is it?
    Go away
  • What is this order?
    Open your book
  • What is it?
    Go straight on
  • What is this order?
    Raise your hand
  • What is this order?
    Make a line
  • What is it?
    Open the door
  • What is this order?
    Close your book
  • What is it?
    Turn right
  • What is it?
    Go back
  • What is this order?
    Stand up
  • What is it?
    Go to sleep
  • What is this order?
  • What is it?
    Turn left
  • What is this order?
    Quite!/ Keep silent!
  • What is this order?
    Sit down