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  • Can't you .......................... a better excuse than that?
    think up
  • You need to ................. a new colour scheme for the new product.
    think up
  • He'd like more time to ........... things .................
    think ..... over
  • People need time to .............................. what the changes will mean for them.
    think through
  • When I ................ to when I was at school, I get very nostalgic.
    think back
  • At times, I ........................ to my life in Moscow.
    think back
  • I didn't ............................... the consequences of promotion.
    think through
  • I suggest you ....................... your position very carefully.
    think over
  • Before I make a decision, let me .................. it ............. and I will let you know for sure on Monday.
    think ..... through
  • There's no telling what he'll .............................. next.
    think up
  • When you have kids, it helps to ..................... to when you were a child.
    think back
  • We have to ................................... an excuse.
    think up